Enter Company free in NORMOTECH

If you are Producer or Supplier of services, include your Company on NORMOTECH!
Entre your Company free in NORMOTECH offers you the opportunity of:
- to be named as Producer and then advertised, in our website
- to register the information relatives to your Company and to the products in the database of NORMOTECH
- to give the availability of them to the Users for a period of 365 days
- to be contacted from the Visitors/Users of NORMOTECH.
In the meantime selecting Username and Password you can visit our website how much you will to search the informations of wich you need without any cost from your site, it is easy, it is enough give some informations that in any case bound not you obligations with us.
Will be enough for the Company, send an e-mail comunication to NORMOTECH, mentioning Username and Password, to withdraw from the present request and cancel all relatives data from our database. The withdrawal will have effect in 48 hours from the communication.
When registered, using Username and password scelti da te stesso, puoi cominciare immediatamente a effettuare le tue ricerche nel nostro database.

Press the "Submit" button at the end of this form. One responsible of NORMOTECH will contact you.

First Name:
Last Name:
Company Name;:
(Via, numero)
(Area Code)
(Area Code)
Web Site:
Company Sector
Select username:
Select password:

To accelerate listing of your Company insert all informations on the form.
All free-listing request are reviewed by NORMOTECH and meet standards and criteria approuved from NORMOTECH. To verify, redact and insert data and fot the high number of requests, it is impossible to give immediate communication in answer to your request.
The informations can be printed, publicized in Internet, on Cd-Rom or other supports  from NORMOTECH. Some errors and data omissions, typografics or trascriptions, always possible, will be quickly revised if notified, without ather costs for NORMOTECH.
As foreseen from Rules of NORMOTECH we reserve the right of recede from present agreement in any moment comunicating with e-mail the  decision of Company and canceling  the relatives data from our database.

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